Monday, April 4, 2011

Memories of childbirth - the broken bed

For some reason I recently remembered one of the most stupidly grueling parts of my labor and delivery experience and I thought it would be a nice start to a series of blog posts on childbirth.

Not sure you have the patience to read my birth story all in one sitting, let's just say it's hard to summarize quickly. But a few days ago I remembered a low point. I was in miserable pain with what is known as "back labor" (I would not wish this on my worst enemy) and they had just wheeled me back into the delivery room after a scare during which they took me to the Operating Room and got ready to do an emergency c-section. Well the c-section was not necessary (big relief), but when we got back to the delivery room they found out the high-tech million dollar hospital bed I was on was broken. So they wheeled in another fancy bed and told me to climb onto it.

Should be easy right? Well I was at a point where I could barely think straight, speaking was tough, and moving was excruciating. I was about 6 cm dilated and lying down in a hospital bed with an oxygen mask, an IV in my arm, a blood pressure cuff, and heart rate monitors strapped around my belly. I started to try to move and got tangled in cords and sheets. I felt like they were asking me to climb Mount Everest, and for some reason none of the nurses seemed inclined to help me get onto the other bed. Anyway, to make a long story short it felt like it took me 20 minutes to climb from one bed onto the other bed. It probably took me five minutes and all of my concentration. Seems really funny now, but at at the time I was not so thrilled. Fortunately after that things got better and in the end my son arrived healthy and adorable!

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