Wednesday, April 20, 2011

2x Roseola

It is scary to see your baby have a fever, but after two bouts with Roseola I can say if he has to have a fever this is the one I would choose.

My son has had Roseola twice, once at about 10 months old and again at about 13 months old.
The fever got pretty high, around 103, and stayed high for 4-5 days. In general my son was acting fairly normal. The fever worried us, but we called our pediatrician who told us Roseola was going around and said the fever was a good sign that his body was fighting the infection, and unless he seemed to be in pain or discomfort we did not need to give him any medication.

There were a few nights we gave him Tylenol because he was having trouble sleeping, but in general he was his regular happy self, just with a fever. By the fifth day, just as his temperature was dropping,  I saw tiny red spots on his tummy and back, they got brighter and then disappeared over the course of maybe a day and half.

Apparently the days when a fever was considered dangerous (my mother's and grandmother's generation) have been replaced by the contemporary medical wisdom that the fever is the body's way of fighting off an infection and you should not interfere with it (of course if your baby is under six months old I think different rules apply). All things considered if your baby has to be sick this is a pretty easy illness to handle.

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