Friday, February 8, 2013

Why I love the interwebz

The interwebz can't always solve your problems. But it can usually make you laugh and remind you that you are not alone.

This morning I googled "three month old baby won't go back to sleep at night" because my baby boy is having a spate of horrible nights when he is up for 1-2 hours after breastfeeding and just won't go back to sleep. I found this fantastic response, excerpted here from the blog.
Unfortunately, if you've tried all the tricks (rocking, singing, swaddling, sitting on the couch with the lights off and Food Network on very low in the background, bouncing him on the balance ball, gripe water, mylecon, chamomilla pellets, standing on your head singing the theme to "Barney Miller," praying to the diety of your choice, singing "Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep little asshole" to the tune of "Lullabye and Goodnight," sobbing uncontrollably, threatening to send him in a box to your mother's house, getting a white noise machine, handing him to your partner and going into the guest room to sleep, and just lying next to him on the bed listening to him cry), then there's probably nothing left to try. Once he goes through the next developmental spurt (at 12 weeks) he'll probably start going back to sleep after he eats again.
I haven't tried the "go to sleep little asshole" trick yet, but the idea had me spitting my coffee out in laugher. And I won't write it off, every night is a new opportunity for desperate measures.

Here is the cutie pie who is driving me to madness in the middle of the night:

I can't wait until we do some sleep training and get this kid to be able to fall back asleep on his own!

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