Tuesday, January 29, 2013

In Love with Grocery Delivery

One of my friends mentioned to me that since the birth of her second child she found our local grocery delivery service from Safeway supermarkets to be a lifesaver. When she told me this it was like someone handed me a winning lottery ticket. Grocery shopping was never easy with one very active toddler, and now that I have the toddler plus the newborn it was going to be a holy terror. Yes, my husband or I could just go shopping on the weekend or late at night when one of us could stay home with the kids, but really who wants to waste their precious free time that way?

So I tried grocery delivery through Safeway, our big local supermarket chain. The first delivery is free so you have nothing to lose.

Here is what I like about it:
1. When you login to their website you can shop by history online, which mean they keep lists of everything you ever bought. So if there are staples you buy all the time you can find them and add them to your cart immediately.
2. You can shop on the couch in your pajamas while breastfeeding - enough said.
3. The fee for delivery is minimal and depends on (at least for Safeway) the amount you are spending and the delivery window you select (i.e. one hour, two hour, four hour) The more you spend and the bigger delivery window you select the lower the delivery charge. That said I think the highest charge I saw on their website was $13 and the lowest $4.
4. Safeway emails out promotions and free delivery coupons, so I have yet to pay anything for delivery.
5. My store specifically says on their website that delivery truck drivers do not accept tips - so no added expense there.
6. They bring the groceries to the door, and even better will carry them right over to the kitchen counter for me to unload them!

Here is what I don't like:
1. I have only done delivery twice, but the last time I did it they brought me a gallon of milk that had a "sell by" date of just a few days away. I know this is not a big deal, but I like to find the containers with the latest sell-by dates.
2. You do inevitably forget one thing on your list and if it is crucial you may need to run out the store to get it. Of course a more organized menu-planner and shopper could avoid this issue.
3. You do not get the joy/pain or wandering around the store finding items that you'd like to try or that you did not know you wanted but you decide to buy.

Here is what I do not miss at all anymore:
1. Racing through the store trying to accomodate a toddler whose attention span for sitting in a shopping cart is 20 minutes (even when provided with a snack to keep him busy).
2. Figuring out how to carry both the newborn and toddler in the store using some combination of carseat, shopping cart, and baby carrier.
3. Finally getting home and realizing I need to find the shopping cart stored in our parking garage in order to load the groceries from my car into the cart, then up in the elevator, down the hall and into our apartment (while managing kids). Oh right, and then I need to go back down to the garage to return our the apartment building's shopping cart.

Here is the FAQ about Safeway Grocery Delivery. Happy stress free shopping!

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