Thursday, May 5, 2011

News that is not news: young mothers eat poorly and exercise less than non-mothers

Common sense: young mother + young child = no time for healthy cooking or exercising

So why did someone bother writing this article in the NYT Health section about how young mothers eat less healthy foods and exercise less than other people?

Seriously when you are sleep-deprived and exhausted and your baby or toddler finally lays down to take a nap what are you going to do?
a. wash and chop vegetables and cook a healthy meal
b. get on the treadmill or take out the yoga dvd
c. lie down on the couch/bed and try to relax and hopefully sleep

I'm guessing even non-parents can guess which answer is correct. Okay, enough being snarky. Obviously the issue is a little more complex than I am making it seem. However, I always chuckle a little when I see these kind of findings and file them away in my brain under "news that is not news to anyone".

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