Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Babyproofing for the lazy parent

Babyproofing the easy way
Instructions: Take all the cleaning products and possibly toxic items and put them on top of a very tall dresser.

I am hoping this will work until my son is tall enough to reach the top of the dresser; so I have about ten years. I will eventually get those cabinet lock thingamahoochies installed, but for now this is good enough.

Now if I can just find a way to prevent my son from slamming his fingers in all the drawers in the house, sticking his hands in the toilet, and trying to eat the cat's food.


  1. I'm sorry to break it to you Ellis, but you've got two maybe three years. First they crawl, then they walk, then they run, then they jump, then they climb LOL!

    Happy Turkey Day to you and the family! XOXO

  2. You are so right Alida, but I am in denial.
